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The Horne - Zonk Machine

315.00 - 370.00 Sold out

The Horne is a my take on classic Zonk Machine fuzz unit, similar to Tone Bender MKI's primitive character but with a different approach. Obese low-end of MKI gives place here to lovely midrange push with wah-like bite, perfect for tight riffing and anywhere where punch and clarity is preferred over bass content.

There are many ways to 'tune' these vintage circuits and Horne series presents quite greasy, warm tone with elegant balance of smoothness and bite. There's no aggressive sputter or ice-picking trebles. Transistors are biased for gorgeous crackling gating with some of 'sonic waste' artifacts at decay. This feature make it perfect for humbucker-equipped guitars, but if natural gating behaviour is what you look for - it will deliver with any pickup. And instead of turning every guitar into a sheer wall of fuzzed-out sound, it does keep the instrument's character pretty well.

This classic lowbred wedge enclosure designed for rocking in 60s deserves appropriate sonic attitude, so in comparison to regular box version it sounds a tiny bit meaner and it brings serious amount of the famous bacon-frying sizzle (which is not present in regular box version).

Wedge enclosure version now comes with reproduction of original case (aluminium box with side jacks and top battery compartment, bit smaller and lighter than MKI style wedge). Circuit is assembled on extremely rare tagboard Zonk version and spots all the good stuff - current batch comes with OC75, OC75, OC44 transistors, CDE & Philips & Wima & Mullard tropical fish caps, carbon composition resistors, switched swell pot, heavy duty hardware, round-top knobs as original Zonks[!], etc.

This is battery powered unit only and to disconnect battery turn swell pot to off position. Unplugging cord from input jack will NOT save battery. Please note if you're outside of UE, pedal will be shipped without battery.