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Smoke Fuzz (Red Smoke Festival 2024)


Smoke Fuzz is made exclusively for RSF merch and here are a few units left and available from this year edition.

2024 pedal is a distortion circuit with intense fuzz treatment, what yields in heavy, original yet extremely versatile character. It can be used to fatten up your guitar or other pedals tone, for a warm low-gain overdrive, super thick distortion which still keeps some of your guitar tone clarity, or a fuzz which won't get lost in the mix or lose your playing dynamics.

- MORE - output level control with plenty of available volume,
- FUZZ - control of overall dirt amount and character.

There is also internal trimpot:
- filter - turn CCW to darken tone, turn CW to increase midrange and treble. Factory setting is voiced for a gentle midscoop (and I suggest to leave it intact for the character I designed it for).