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Sailor's buzz - 5-knob Buzzaround / germanium fuzz

330.00 - 340.00 Sold out

Sailor's buzz is a classic Buzzaround germanium fuzz clone built with OG spec and tagboard layout. This is one of my favourite ever fuzz pedals for it's distortion-quality attack, beautiful textured character and mellow, yet tight bass response, which provides both total vintage flavour and ability to fit modern heavy playing.

Despite many ways of 'tuning' the original circuit, Sailor's Buzz series is always made for high gain yet smooth feel, full body with lasting, textured sustain and no gating (for most of the settings). Blown-out, ripping attack with maxed SUSTAIN knob is there, while turning it down a little turns general character to way more open and controlled with pretty good clean-up.

I usually make these with addition of master volume knob (for greater variety of nuanced timbres) and my secret buzz weapon - chug pot, which tightens up low end for focused midrange punch and super aggressive feel, which will leave your regular distortion pedals in the dust. When set to max, these two extra controls appear to be out out of the circuit (not altering ’original Buzzaround' tone).

SUSTAIN - distortion (and bias) control
BALANCE - volume (and bias) control
TIMBRE - turn CCW to cut low end and output volume, turn CW for full range tone with huge amount of output volume
Master volume (upper side knob) - a real master volume (which doesn't go to absolute zero for better control over usable range - who would use Buzzaround as a killswitch?)
Chug pot (lower side knob) - tightens up low end, enhances midrange. CW for regular Buzz sound

All control knobs are highly interactive thus providing many available sounds beyond simple 'dedicated' operation.

Current batch is equipped with 3x NKT212 transistors, DC input (negative tip isolated power supply or battery) and LED.