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Deluge myths

260.00 Sold out

Deluge myths is a double-circuit fuzz unit. First part is based on B&M champion fuzz (Colorsound jumbo tone bender), second part is based on Colorsound bass fuzz - wired in series. Both circuits are stripped-down big muff variants, with reduced compression and gained nasty attack, 'cleanish' signal presence and serious low-end. Great choice for who digs muff tones but want it a little different, with seriously old school vibe. Both circuits are quite similar to each other, but with significant tonal difference in midrange/treble content, attack and distortion texture. Both are epic with guitar and bass!

Pedal is big (1590DD enclosure), made with B&M style PCB of my design, new old stock Radiohm pots and Philips/BC caps, transistors are BC184 for champion and BC183 for bass fuzz circuits. If you can cope with Akkadian cuneiform writing, I screen printed a fragment of the Epic of Gilgamesh for your reading pleasure ;)

4 units made in total. Both circuits can be used separately or stacked together in series for extra heft and tonal diversity - 3 units come wired for bass fuzz into champion fuzz (order which I find more appealing), 1 is wired for champion fuzz into bass fuzz (for who dig really obese, fuzzed-out tones - my personal preference).