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Defective Muff Transfer - fuzz

195.00 Sold out

This is a fuzz pedal designed with my great friends of Tortuga band. We made this project to make our own stacks sound absolutely sick, so we thought it will be nice to make a few more units.

DMT-01 comes with three switchable modes: left setting is 'classic' BMP, middle is jumbo tonebender, right is supa tonebender. The overall voicing is inspired by our fav features of a few particular triangle and rams head big muff versions, so it's pretty tight, high gain sound with great presence, smooth attack at BMP mode and nasty aggressive bite at jumbo/supa modes.

Jumbo mode reduces compression and increases bass content and bit of clean signal appearance, which is absolutely killer setting for bass guitar, massive thick tones etc. This mode reduces volume a little, so supa mode brings volume back and strikes extra transistor with the huge low-end, producing super sputtery and nasty sound. It's working great as lower gain drive sound with solid punch, or overloaded, ear-piercing fuzz tone that cuts through the mix really well.

Theres also added midrange knob to extend or reduce low-mids, with 'traditional' BMP setting at the middle point. Together with tone knob and three available modes it provides a ton of possible sounds. If that's not enough, there's also a presence internal switch to add some high-mids content.

This is the muff to trip. It's limited run and now comes with pearl white + green finish with killer graphics by our friend @lizard.matilda

amplitude - output volume level
overload - sustain/fuzz
spectrum - tone
shapeshift - midrange (noon is a 'classic BMP' setting, turn CW to enhance low mids, turn CCW to reduce low mids)
3-way switch - left position is BMP, middle position is jumbo tonebender, right position is supa tonebender

presence switch - turn up to add a little bit of high midrange

CURRENT BATCH is finished with full immerse etch for a raw, rusty look.